Sunday, March 21, 2010

I Love You?

Shaun and I were talking this weekend about our love for our children. Shaun was telling me he had just had a realization.

"Reagan is a little person - with her own personality - she's a person - and she loves me - just as much as she loves a piece of chocolate. I wish she could understand how much I love her."

He went on to say, and I paraphrase, that isn't that so similar to our relationship with God? We cannot love God the way he loves us. We cannot fathom perfect love - and he knows that - and He still loves us perfectly anyway. Even though, at times, we put our love for Him in a basket full of other worldly things we "love".

All the emotions that well up within us when we think of how we love our children - are still flawed in comparison to the perfect love of the Father. It's so real, though, and it feels darn near close to perfect love at times - but we have no clue.

Isn't it wonderful to know - just like a daddy loves his daughter even though she has no idea what it means.....the Father loves us, his children, perfectly - even when we cannot understand our love for Him more than our fond affection toward a piece of chocolate?

Oh, that we would strive to love Him more - the agape way - that he would be our most ravishing pleasure.

Shaun could have said it so much better.

I praise the Lord for a husband who has those conversations. He's refreshing and challenging. And he loves our children. And I love him.

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