I have a sweet friend who emails me really good stuff. She saw this on a blog- copied-pasted and emailed to me. I don't know what the hosting blog link is- but it so struck me- I had to repost here.
A young mother lost her three year old son last week in a fatal accident. I don’t know her. She is a friend of a friend.
That’s still too close.
In a moment that mama crossed over from an ordinary life of homeschooling, homemaking and what-will-I-fix-for-supper-tonight… into grief, sorrow and agony that crushed her heart beyond what we think humans can endure. When she woke up that morning she had no idea that her time was to be cut short with that boy.
Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. James 4:14
His days were numbered by His Creator set to end on that specific day. Death touches us all at one time or another but when it touches, or threatens to touch our children, we recoil inside. Some of you reading have experienced the same anguish this grief-stricken mother has.
And when I heard the news I hugged my babes tighter and let my lips linger on their soft faces a bit longer at bedtime. Then I looked into my own mother-heart and realized with shame that many times I have given way to sin and selfishness and let the enemy whisper to me:
“Imagine how great it will be when they are all grown upand you have:
Lipstick that has a point on it
And a cake with no finger traces in it
And plastic tablecloths with no spaghetti stains on them
And no kisses with snot and no salad with olives picked out and no muddy knotted shoelaces to untie
A bookcase that stays perfect for more than five minutes
And a conversation with a friend that is uninterrupted
And a phone call that isn’t start and stop and a night of sleep that isn’t disturbed.
Oh yes….just imagine how wonderful that will be!”
And yet what would the grieving mother—the one whose toddler went to be with Jesus, or the one who is infertile or the one who is waiting on the Lord to bring her a husband—what would she give to have a day of messes, mischief, cutting up someone’s grapes, reading Peter Rabbit or rocking the sleepy body of a feverish toddler in the night watches?
Oh mothers, reject those thoughts. Take them captive!
Yes, there are days that are challenging as a mom. I’m not dismissing the fact that motherhood requires tremendous demands of patience, selflessness, lovingkindness and walking the way of the cross. Those actions are supplied only through the supplying of the Lord’s mercy as He strengthens our hands to the task, so we must abide in the True Vine. But may we not live our lives as martyrs that have given up something great, and thinking that motherhood is only about sacrifice. Sure there are some sacrifices. But to be a mother is a precious gift and privilege never to be taken for granted. Instead let’s walk in the joy of the Lord, being grateful for His gift of children, that aren’t really even ours.
And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11
Shout for joy in the LORD, O you righteous! Praise befits the upright. Psalm 33:1
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