Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What Makes a Dad?

God took the strength of a mountain,

The majesty of a tree,

The warmth of a summer sun,

The calm of a quiet sea,

The generous soul of nature,

The comforting arm of night,

The wisdom of the ages,

The power of the eagle's flight,

The joy of a morning in spring,

The faith of a mustard seed,

The patience of eternity,

The depth of a family need,

Then God combined these qualities

, When there was nothing more to add,

He knew His masterpiece was complete,

And so, He called it ... Dad

I typed that from memory. You should be proud of me.

When I was about 5 or 6 I recited that whole poem on Father's day, in front of the lunch crew at the Country Club in West Memphis.

I remember my dad being so proud to call me his.

That might be one of my favorite childhood memories - because I remember how it thrilled his heart.

I loved him so - he called me his "son" - because we were buddies.

We are still buddies.

Last weekend - we took a trip to visit my sweet sister Cori and her family in Rogers, AR. When we were leaving Rogers, Cori said I should move up there, and I laughed and said, "only if I can bring Mom and Dad with me"..... it was all said in jest, but I know deep down it's the truth. I SO SO SO need my dad. I'm a daddy's girl.

When I recited that poem as a child, I didn't know the meaning of the words I was saying - I was just happy to thrill my daddy. Now I understand what those words mean. I know what a rock a man is for his family. I know the importance of all those qualities the poem talks about.

I know how deeply indebted I am to my dad for all the years of comfort and patience he's had with me.
Now I want to praise my dad more for who he is and what he's done through all these years....

That reminds me of how God works in my heart. In the same way - I learn stories and verses of scripture. Sometimes my daily bible reading feels more like a duty than a pleasure. At the time I feel it has no relevance. And it never fails - God uses that passage of scripture later to show me a new understanding of how He's working in me for His pleasure.

Then I realize how deeply indebted I am to God for all the years of comfort and patience he's had with me.
Then I can praise him all the better for who He is and what He's done through all these years.....

So today - I'm so thankful for my earthly father. God has blessed me beyond what I could ever deserve with a kindhearted, giving man who loves me unconditionally. My dad is such a great example to me of Christ and his kindhearted, unconditional love.

I would have never thought that a poem I learned to recite 20 years ago would show me something so sweet about God and his Word.

God is at work with a specific goal in mind many many years before we even realize it- he's cool like that.

So do your best to be thankful for your circumstance and ask God:

How are you using this to create in me a life-story that can impact others?
How are you willing and working in me for Your good pleasure?

1 comment:

kelciehuff said...

That's so neat, Candice. I hope your dad gets to see that post! By the way, I think I'm coming to visit the Angelettis in a few weeks when Monica is in town. I hope I get to see your sweet family!