Saturday, May 2, 2009

So Fresh and So Clean Clean

Ok - So just about every Saturday night I start thinking about what the next week looks like for me.

The goal for the coming weeks is to C L E A N!

I need to do it for a few reasons - because it's Spring and because I need to get my house ready for another baby! I've pretty much nailed down my favorite cleaning products, but the schedule, however, not so much.

Here are my favorite things to clean with:
So fresh and so clean!
I can use this on glass, my cooktop,
and my marble countertops.
Love this stuff.
It's freshness in a bottle.
When cleaning the bathrooms
put a shot of this in the toilet.
I also run a sink full of hot water
in the kitchen and pour some in.
It makes the whole house smell clean
even if it isn't.
My floors will never be the same!
This stuff is awesome on hardwood
and tile bathroom floors.
Shiny and clean!
Dusting is my least favorite thing.
Since it has to be done -
Pledge is my pick.
It is one you definitely don't need
to pass up for the generic.
Nothing works as well as
well as Pledge on wood.

Ok. Now my commercial is over.

What are some of your favorite cleaning products?

Anyone have suggestions for how to save money on cleaning products?

More than anything, though, I want your suggestions on organizing days and time for cleaning.

Comment away!

1 comment:

A Mothers Heart for China said...

I know it may sound silly, but I save on cleaning products by only using vinegar. For windows, mirrors, toilet and fabric softener. I tell you it is cheap and works everywhere! I love it.
