Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Faith Like a Child

When I pay attention to our little Reagan lately, I'm noticing that she is ALWAYS smiling. I mean, it's a rare moment when we catch her frowning or unhappy about something (really, only when she's going nite nite). She smiles when she talks. She smiles when she's playing with her toys. She smiles when she's eating. She smiles when she is watching her favorite movie. She smiles when we talk to her. She smiles when we read to get the picture.

There is a song I love. I'm sure you love it too. It's Stephen Curtis Chapman's "Cinderella". In that song, one of the lines says:

"She spins and she sways to whatever song plays, without a care in the world,
and I'm sitting here wearing the weight of the world on my shoulders."

Isn't it so true? It is for me anyway, I'm a worrier. I worry about everything. I have an anxious mind. If something needs to be done, I feel like I have to get it all done NOW. I have little patience. I hate waiting, but the waiting is I guess I think time will pass more quickly if I worry whilte I wait.

When I watch little Reagan "without a care in the world," I'm reminded God desires that from me. Faith, like a little child.

Reagan knows that we will be there in the morning to get her out of bed.

She knows we will feed and clothe her.

She trusts that there will be a time to rest in the afternoon.

She plans her day in anticipation of her father coming home so she can serve him.

Oh, that we would adopt this simple faith, like a child.

If I would realize that He is there every morning when I wake, longing for intimacy with me.

He clothes and feeds me, because he is our Father who provides all our needs.

He gives me rest, halleluiah, because he loves me!

If all of this is true, and it is.....then why are my days spent in worry instead of joyful anticipation of serving my Heavenly Father.

Instead I busy myself with the worries of the world. I get so wrapped up with my to-do list that I forget Him and I wonder why there are moments where I find it difficult to put a smile on my face in the "mundane" of the day.

One of the sweetest things about Reagan, is that she is terribly shy around strangers. Now, I love this, because she clings to me as if I am her only saving grace from these strange people.
She runs to us if she feels afraid or unsure about something and she knows she has a hand to hold.

God tells us in scripture, He is our safe place.

Oh that we would find Him and "HOLD ON TIGHT!"

Isaiah 41:13
For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you,
do not fear; I will help you.

So my goal in the days to come. Days that are sure to be unsure. Days of waiting and wanting. My prayer is that God will give me peace, and rest, and faith like a litttle child. And that I will smile through it all!


jo said...

This is precious Can Can. I love your perspective and Reagan is more beautiful all the time. We miss her. Praying for you guys.

sethswifeforlife said...

Thanks for sharing! What a great reminder to have faith like a child. We also love that Cinderella song around here. My daughter plays it a LOT and already wants it at her wedding (she's only 9!).
But yes, I was reminded today that HE cares for us ever so much, we can't even fathom, and really we hae no need to worry or fear. HE IS there!
blessings to you & yours~