Thursday, October 2, 2008

Cold Turkey? Not So Much

So I decided to go for a run yesterday. The weather was beautiful and I was feeling very very tired, so I thought running would give me a boost of energy. I pulled the jogger stroller out and laced up for a nice fall run. A nice breath of fresh air. Except it wasn't such a nice breath of fresh turned into an asthmatic, dizzy, "why did I decide to run?" type of run.

We also decided to pick up some caterpillars along the way. What?! Reagan really really really wanted me to stop running to look at those adorable creatures of nature. So stop teasing me. (by the way....can we take the little fuzzy things in and care for them until they become butterflies?....or ugly moths?)

The little road that runs to the highway from our house is exactly 1 mile. I figured I'd run down and back and that would be a nice 2 mile run. NOT SO MUCH. I'm ashamed.

Running long periods of time has never been my forte, but I am determined to lengthen it to more than HALF a mile. I mean, really. Ridiculous.

See, I just turned 25, and I guess that's the breaking point. You know, the breaking point where your body cannot just go cold turkey into a run you haven't done in months. I used to be able to do that with no problem. So I ran the first mile....well half of it...stop teasing....and then I ran half of the second mile. So I guess I walked a mile and ran a mile. That's a start.

I can't walk today.

Or sit.

Or stand.

Or move, really.

If you see me waddling around Walmart it's not because I'm pregnant. That is one of the reasons I've waddled before. I've also waddled after giving birth. Rest assured, I didn't give birth yesterday, though it felt close. I just went for a run. I'm hoping it will be more refreshing next time.

Good day.

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