Most horribly written post ever, but I don't feel like editing it- do forgive my rambling and disorganization. And grammatical errors...
I love what OhByGolly had to say about Pinterest and discontentment. (It's also a really cool post about painting uphoulstered furniture). I'll post the link below.
I just don't buy the argument that it breeds discontentment (for me). It has been a wonderful tool (for me) as I work hard to make our home a haven and a safe place for Shaun and the kids.
Isn't it really all about balance? Of course, if I was on Pinterest all day wishing and hoping and scheming to get the things I saw on there, it would breed discontentment. But then my home would be a wreck and my kids would not be disciplined and it would be clear my motive for Pinterest-ing was not to make my home a place of comfort and peace, for there would be chaos and disorder.
I understand there are those who have a proclivity to sit in the recliner and surf the "incranet", as Reagan calls it, and I say, yes-if for you it is breeding any sort of sinful behavior, be it discontentment, laziness, lust, insecurities, scheming...then of course, steer clear. As they say, "Don't try to make the decision to be pure once you're in the backseat.". Just remove that temptation all together. Don't get in that backseat. Or on Pinterest, in this case.
I'm on my soapbox here...just bear with me.
So we should be careful when we make judgements about the social media people around us choose to use. We cannot know their heart or their motive.
If there is a particular area of sin and temptation you struggle with- of course, avoid it.
Just don't make it everyone else's law!
Unless,of course, it is an actual clear biblical sin for everyone. Then it is law.
Ok- so about Pinterest...
I feel like being a Proverbs 31 woman involves thrifting and crafting and making the old come to life- in the most cheap way. Blessing our husbands by saving money they work so hard to make. Taking on projects at home that simplify living. Being intentional about using our home for ministry. Creating a warm place for our husband to land at the end of the day. Using art and creativity to make Christ the center of our homes.
While I'm at it- I'm also a big fan of (especially if you are a full time homemaker) taking on as much of the household responsibility as possible to alleviate some of the things that are culturally expected of our already hard working husbands. Who says women can't or aren't supposed to do yard work, or take out the garbage, or work on the car, or paint, or use tools? That Proverbs 31 woman...she did it ALL. (I'm sure it was done submissively and respectfully considering her husband's desires.). Besides, I like for Shaun to come home to rest, not more work. He works all day! And I work all day, waiting to see him. He's my end goal. Why would I put him to work as soon as he gets he?? Just my opinion.
I believe, even if you work, we are called to love our families sacrificially. So who cares if the work load is or isn't even? Sacrificial love is not about keeping count (thank goodness). Just suck it up and get to it, for the sake of peace in your home, be a blessing to your husband! Be selfless. Serve. The Bible is clear that we are called to deny self. Don't buy into the garbage that tells you;
"It's time to do something for you."
"You are important too."
"When was the last time you did something for you?"
Garbage, I say. Selfish garbage. THAT is a slippery slope to discontentment.
Sidenote: It's still lovely when Shaun showers me with a "girl day" for shopping or massages or a pedicure! I had to say that- because he will read this and I don't want him to get the wrong idea... I don't deserve it, nor would I ever do it for myself, but I like that he thinks of it. :)
My prayer is that whomever peers into my home or my Pinterest boards or my Facebook wall would see Christ as my treasure. That it would be clear what He's called me to do right now.
Whew- I'm on it today...Back to OhByGolly. Here is what she said. It's like one sentence. And it sent me on this rambling rampage...haha!
Hey! I'm so glad that one sentence sent you on this rampage. ahaha, it was a guest post from my friend Jenny, and I think all of us girl friends have had the conversation about how Pinterest or social media, if done right, can be a great thing. A ministry even... a tool to bless others and to bring us joy. I feel like Pinterest can fall in line with t.v., magazines, modeling, blogs,....all things have potential to breed discontentment really just depends on our perspective and where our treasures are.
Thanks for visiting!
Very well said. Thanks for the post, Jenny!
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